Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Teacher Vs Educator Debate Continues (part 1)

While frustratingly trying to locate the shipping company along the upper Church Avenue are, I bumped into (rather, she bumped into me) a middle-aged woman who was engrossed in a rather animated discussion with self. In a flash I wondered if I had come to some sort of peril from this apparently mad black woman when I her and apology which was followed by am apologetic smile and then proceeded to convince me she wasnt mad, but angry at the increasing levels of imcompetence that is pervading our society.

According to her, there are too many so-called professionals who are placed in decision-making positions without the foggiest clue of what to do because their appointment was not done on the nerits of a competency or any strict criteria, but rather from preferential treatment.
I agreed with her statements fully and nedded in approval, which she took as an open invitation to serve me with a full course of topics which seemigly hasve been pent up for a long time. One such was Teacher Vs Educator, which has been in time and memorial and a topic I wasnt keep on talking about. What did I get myself into now? All I wanted was to get my business don and get back home,; not stir up a streetside conference.

A teacher as defined by the.webster dictionary, is someone who is engaged in the business or occupation of instructing others; an instructor; or a tutor. Using that same dictionary, the term educator is somewhat more affective. It is someone who has a formative effect on the mind, character or physical ability of an individual to make informed decisions about himself, others and environment...

Guided by these dictionary definitions, I will conclude, teachers need to play the role of an educator much more than they are doing currently. In this age of advanced learning and super sonic access to information, who needs a mere imparter of knowledge when copious amounts of it is as easily accessed with the latest tutorial applications in just a simple click or from massive amounts of colourful issued student-friendly texts that are available to students with easy to learn tips and more? Teaching professionals need to move away from the operation of being facilitators and deseminators of information and hold himself accountable to effect the lifelong learning of the student/ individual, which as the term implies, goes beyond the classroom and mere acquisition of knowledge, but rather impacts, motivates and empowers the learner to use the knowledge gained to better himself, others and his environment for life.

It is the educator who believes every learner can maximize his potential. That same educator who will go the extra mile to create the ideal environment for mental, spiritual and physical development and not just concentrate on slavishly achieving the objectives for each lesson disregarding the measurable indicators that show no learning has taken. It is that same educator who will challenge the status quo, technocrats and policy makers and more to bring about appropriate instructions for the learner instead of going the easy route of copying the first availabe foriegn curriculum and adapt it without tayloring it.

The world needs more educators who will insist that parents play their critical role in the tripartate arrangement set out in the PTA and not shrug it aside with the excuse that is is not my business. We need more educators who will – unlike the common practice of nowadays teaching professionals of hussling the system laden with a mass of under-learning , under-achieving minds – call to action like minds and set up after school help ptogrammes especially for the less priviledged.

We need the classroom electrified with passion; a passion more likely derived from an educator; a passion that inspires students and other alike to be a part of the fervour to educate each other so we can have a more empowered nation. We need educators who will be that standard role model and not falter with the ever-changing sway of whichever professional codes. We need aducators who are a called set of angels who have been selected by devine order and not just teachers who, by virtue of labelling themselves professionals, are obligated to their professional codes first and all others next.

Now, let’s have your take

React…. Reflect…. & Reciprocate….!

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