Saturday, October 24, 2009

Words: The Obsurd and the Strange

It is said the longest word ever coined contains 189,819 letters. It is so long that not all the letters can be located for publication. Maybe they should look along the river Nile, nomaybe in Guatemala, better yet it could have trained off along the reiges of the Victorias or somewhere in the Alps. Who knows, based on its length, it may very well be in all out living rooms atonce: omni-present they call it?
This is the word (or part of it) Methionylthreonylthreonylglutaminylarginyl...isoleucine. It is said to be the chemical name for titin, the largest known protein. It is not found in any dictionary. (I wonder why? Hmm)

Are you ready for another? How about Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanokoniosis?
We werent able to give the meaning of the previous word since we were not able to locate all its letters. Here we have all 45 letters in tact so can you tell me the meaning?
Clue 1: It’s a sesquipedalian (many syllabled) word.
Clue 2: It can be broken into KEYS.
Clue 3: List the KEYS in place order in the word.
Clue 3: Know the meaning of each of the KEY.

Keys (pun intended) and meanings:
Pneumon-oultra-micro-scop-ic-silico-volcano-koni-osis (9)
1. Pneumon=lung, breathe
2. Oultra=beyond, exceeding
3. Micro=minute, small by comparison
4. Scop=watch, see
5. Ic=like, nature of
6. Silico=flint
7. Volcano=volcano
8. Koni=dust
9. Osis=disease

When the meanings of all the keys are arranged and studied properly, the meaning of this word will become clear.
A lung disease caused by inhaling dust like silicon and volcanic ash particles so minute that in order to see them a microscope which exceeds the ordinary is needed”.

Apply the same to this word to arrive at the meaning (no cheating, no dictionary):

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